Source code for icub_pybullet.pycub

import copy
import glob
import time
import numpy as np
import pybullet as p
from pybullet_utils.bullet_client import BulletClient
import os
from icub_pybullet.visualizer import Visualizer
from icub_pybullet.utils import Config, URDF, Pose, CustomFormatter
import open3d as o3d
import logging
import datetime
import inspect
from subprocess import call
import atexit
import roboticstoolbox as rtb

[docs]class pyCub(BulletClient): """ Client class which inherits from BulletClient and contains the whole simulation functionality """ # As dict, because IntEnum is about 1.5-2x slower jointInfo = {name: i for i, name in enumerate(["INDEX", "NAME", "TYPE", "QINDEX", "UINDEX", "FLAGS", "DAMPING", "FRICTION", "LOWERLIMIT", "UPPERLIMIT", "MAXFORCE", "MAXVELOCITY", "LINKNAME", "AXIS", "PARENTPOS", "PARENTORN", "PARENTINDEX"])} jointStates = {name: i for i, name in enumerate(["POSITION", "VELOCITY", "FORCES", "TORQUE"])} linkInfo = {name: i for i, name in enumerate(["WORLDPOS", "WORLDORI", "INERTIAPOS", "INERTIAORI", "URDFPOS", "URDFORI", "LINVEL", "ANGVEL"])} contactPoints = {name: i for i, name in enumerate(["FLAG", "IDA", "IDB", "INDEXA", "INDEXB", "POSITIONA", "POSITIONB", "NORMAL", "DISTANCE", "FORCE", "FRICTION1", "FRICTIONDIR1", "FRICTION2", "FRICTIONDIR2"])} dynamicsInfo = {name: i for i, name in enumerate(["MASS", "FRICTION", "INTERTIADIAGONAL", "INERTIAPOS", "INERTIAOR", "RESTITUTION", "ROLLINGFRICTION", "SPINNINGFRICTION", "DAMPING", "STIFFNESS", "BODYTYPE", "MARGIN"])} visualShapeData = {name: i for i, name in enumerate(["ID", "LINK", "GEOMTYPE", "DIMS", "FILE", "POS", "ORI", "COLOR", "TEXTURE"])} def __init__(self, config="default.yaml"): """ :param config: path to the config file :type config: str, optional, default="default.yaml" """ super().__init__(p.DIRECT) self.parent_name = os.path.basename(inspect.stack()[1].filename) self.file_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) for c_path in [os.path.join(self.file_dir, "configs", config), config, os.path.join(os.getcwd(), os.path.dirname(inspect.stack()[1].filename), config)]: if os.path.exists(c_path): self.config = Config(c_path) self.config.simulation_step = 1/self.config.simulation_step self.setTimeStep(self.config.simulation_step) self.gui = self.config.gui if self.gui: atexit.register(self.kill_open3d) self.logger = logging.getLogger("pycub_logger") self.logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG if self.config.debug else logging.INFO) stream_handler = logging.StreamHandler() stream_handler.setFormatter(CustomFormatter()) self.logger.addHandler(stream_handler) if hasattr(self.config, "log_pose"): self.log_pose = True self.pose_logger = [] else: self.log_pose = False self.gravity = False self.urdf_path = os.path.join(self.file_dir, self.config.robot_urdf_path) self.urdfs = {"robot": URDF(self.urdf_path)} self.other_objects = [] if hasattr(self.config, "urdfs"): for obj_id, urdf, fixed, color in zip(np.arange(len(self.config.urdfs.paths)), self.config.urdfs.paths, self.config.urdfs.fixed, self.config.urdfs.color): suffix = "" if os.path.basename(urdf).split(".")[-1] == "obj": obj_name = os.path.basename(urdf).split(".")[0] while obj_name in self.urdfs: suffix += "_" obj_name = obj_name+suffix self.create_urdf(urdf, fixed, color, suffix) urdf = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(self.file_dir, "..", "other_meshes", urdf.replace(".obj", suffix+".urdf"))) elif os.path.basename(urdf).split(".")[-1] == "urdf": urdf = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(self.file_dir, "..", "other_meshes", urdf)) else: raise ValueError("Objects must be .obj or .urdf!") self.urdfs[os.path.basename(urdf).split(".")[0]] = URDF(urdf) self.config.urdfs.paths[obj_id] = urdf if self.config.vhacd.use_vhacd: self.run_vhacd() self.free_objects = [] if hasattr(self.config, "urdfs"): for urdf, pos, fixed in zip(self.config.urdfs.paths, self.config.urdfs.positions, self.config.urdfs.fixed): obj_name = os.path.basename(urdf).split(".")[0] urdf = self.urdfs[obj_name].path self.other_objects.append((self.loadURDF(urdf, pos), obj_name, fixed)) if not fixed: self.free_objects.append(self.other_objects[-1][0]) self.urdf_path = self.urdfs["robot"].path self.robot, self.joints, self.links = self.init_robot() # prepare IK config so we can utilize null space self.IK_config = {"movable_joints": [_.joints_id for _ in self.joints if "_hand_" not in], "lower_limits": [_.lower_limit for _ in self.joints], "upper_limits": [_.upper_limit for _ in self.joints], "joint_ranges": [np.abs(_.upper_limit - _.lower_limit) for _ in self.joints], "rest_poses": [0 if not hasattr(self.config.initial_joint_angles, else np.deg2rad(getattr(self.config.initial_joint_angles, for _ in self.joints]} self.end_effector = EndEffector(self.config.end_effector, self) self.last_step = time.time() self.last_log = time.time() self.joint_tolerance = float(self.config.tolerance.joint) self.neighbour_links = {} if self.skin_point_clouds = {} = {} self.skin_activations = {} self.activated_skin_points = {} self.activated_skin_normals = {} with open(os.path.join(self.file_dir, "..", "iCub/skin/point_clouds/config.txt"), "r") as f: skin_config = {_.split(";")[0]: _.split(";")[1] for _ in} if len( == 0: skin_pcds = glob.glob(os.path.join(self.file_dir, "..", "iCub/skin/point_clouds", "*.pcd")) else: skin_pcds = [os.path.join(self.file_dir, "..", "iCub/skin/point_clouds", f"{_}.pcd") for _ in] for pc_path in skin_pcds: # if "leg" not in pc_path: # continue pc = pc.normalize_normals() if "foot" not in pc_path: pc.scale(1.05, pc.get_center()) skin_part = skin_config[os.path.basename(pc_path).split(".")[0]] self.skin_point_clouds[skin_part] = pc[skin_part] = [np.asarray(pc.points), np.asarray(pc.normals)] self.skin_activations[skin_part] = np.zeros((len(pc.points), )) if self.config.log.log: self.file_logger = logging.getLogger("pycub_file_logger") self.file_logger.setLevel(logging.INFO) file_handler = logging.FileHandler(os.path.join(self.file_dir, "logs", str(".", "-").replace(" ", "-") .replace(":", "-")+".csv"), mode="a") file_handler.setFormatter(logging.Formatter('%(message)s')) self.file_logger.addHandler(file_handler) initial_string = "timestamp;steps_done;"+";".join([ for _ in self.joints]) if for skin_part in self.skin_activations.keys(): initial_string += ";"+skin_part if self.gui: self.visualizer = Visualizer(self) self.last_render = time.time() rtb_links, rtb_name, rtb_urdf_string, rtb_urdf_file_path = rtb.robot.Robot.URDF_read(self.urdf_path) self.rtb_robot = rtb.robot.Robot(rtb_links, name=rtb_name.upper(), manufacturer="IIT", urdf_string=rtb_urdf_string, urdf_filepath=rtb_urdf_file_path,) # chains, chains_joints = self.get_all_chains(self.urdfs["robot"].joints[0], [], [], [], []) self.chains, self.chains_joints = self.get_chains() self.collision_during_motion = False self.steps_done = 0 self.toggle_gravity()
[docs] def get_chains(self): chains = {"left_arm": ['chest', 'l_shoulder_1', 'l_shoulder_2', 'l_shoulder_3', 'l_upper_arm', 'l_elbow_1', 'l_forearm', 'l_wrist_1', 'l_hand'], "right_arm": ['chest', 'r_shoulder_1', 'r_shoulder_2', 'r_shoulder_3', 'r_upper_arm', 'r_elbow_1', 'r_forearm', 'r_wrist_1', 'r_hand'], "left_leg": ['root_link', 'l_hip_1', 'l_hip_2', 'l_hip_3', 'l_upper_leg', 'l_lower_leg', 'l_ankle_1', 'l_ankle_2', 'l_foot', 'l_foot_dh_frame'], "right_leg": ['root_link', 'r_hip_1', 'r_hip_2', 'r_hip_3', 'r_upper_leg', 'r_lower_leg', 'r_ankle_1', 'r_ankle_2', 'r_foot', 'r_foot_dh_frame'], "head": ['chest', 'neck_1', 'neck_2', 'head'], "torso": ['root_link', 'torso_1', 'torso_2', 'chest']} chains_joints = {"left_arm": np.array(['l_shoulder_pitch', 'l_shoulder_roll', 'l_shoulder_yaw', 'l_arm_ft_sensor', 'l_elbow', 'l_wrist_prosup', 'l_wrist_pitch', 'l_wrist_yaw']), "right_arm": np.array(['r_shoulder_pitch', 'r_shoulder_roll', 'r_shoulder_yaw', 'r_arm_ft_sensor', 'r_elbow', 'r_wrist_prosup', 'r_wrist_pitch', 'r_wrist_yaw']), "right_leg": np.array(['r_hip_pitch', 'r_hip_roll', 'r_leg_ft_sensor', 'r_hip_yaw', 'r_knee', 'r_ankle_pitch', 'r_ankle_roll', 'r_foot_ft_sensor', 'r_foot_dh_frame_fixed_joint']), "left_leg": np.array(['l_hip_pitch', 'l_hip_roll', 'l_leg_ft_sensor', 'l_hip_yaw', 'l_knee', 'l_ankle_pitch', 'l_ankle_roll', 'l_foot_ft_sensor', 'l_foot_dh_frame_fixed_joint']), "head": np.array(['neck_pitch', 'neck_roll', 'neck_yaw']), "torso": np.array(['torso_pitch', 'torso_roll', 'torso_yaw'])} return chains, chains_joints
[docs] def get_all_chains(self, joint, chain, chains, chain_joint, chains_joints): while hasattr(joint, "child"): chain.append( chain_joint.append( if hasattr(joint.child, "joint"): joints = joint.child.joint if len(joints) == 1: joint = joints[0] else: for joint in joints: self.get_all_chains(joint, copy.deepcopy(chain), chains, copy.deepcopy(chain_joint), chains_joints) break else: chains.append(chain) chains_joints.append(chain_joint) break return chains, chains_joints
[docs] def compute_jacobian(self, chain, start=None, end=None): if start is None: start = self.chains[chain][0] if end is None: end = self.chains[chain][-1] end_id = 0 else: end_id = self.chains[chain].index(end) q = self.get_joint_state(self.chains_joints[chain], allow_error=True)[:end_id] return self.rtb_robot.jacob0(q, end, start), self.chains_joints[chain][:end_id][np.array(q) != 0]
[docs] def get_camera_images(self): """ Gets the images from enabled eye cameras :return: list of numpy arrays :rtype: list """ images = [] for ew in self.visualizer.eye_windows.values(): images.append(np.asarray(ew.last_image)) return images
[docs] def kill_open3d(self): # a bit of a workaround to kill open3d, that seems to hang for some reason for _ in os.popen("pgrep -f " + self.parent_name).read().strip().splitlines(): call("kill -9 " + _, shell=True)
[docs] def init_robot(self): """ Load the robot URDF and get its joints' information :return: robot and its joints :rtype: int or list """ if self.config.self_collisions: robot = self.loadURDF(self.urdf_path, useFixedBase=True, flags=self.URDF_USE_SELF_COLLISION) else: robot = self.loadURDF(self.urdf_path, useFixedBase=True) joints = [] for joint in range(self.getNumJoints(robot)): info = self.getJointInfo(robot, joint) if info[self.jointInfo["TYPE"]] != p.JOINT_FIXED: joint = Joint(str(info[self.jointInfo["NAME"]], "utf-8"), info[self.jointInfo["INDEX"]], len(joints), info[self.jointInfo["LOWERLIMIT"]], info[self.jointInfo["UPPERLIMIT"]], info[self.jointInfo["MAXFORCE"]], info[self.jointInfo["MAXVELOCITY"]]) joints.append(joint) if hasattr(self.config.initial_joint_angles, self.resetJointState(robot, joint.robot_joint_id, np.deg2rad(getattr(self.config.initial_joint_angles, links = [] for link in self.urdfs["robot"].links: if hasattr(link, "collision"): link_id = self.find_link_id(os.path.basename(link.collision.geometry.mesh.filename), robot=robot) link = Link(, link_id, link) links.append(link) # perform one step of collision detection self.stepSimulation() # get all collisions self_collisions = self.getContactPoints(robot, robot) # disable collision for all links in collision -> these links should be in collision by default, so we need # to disable checks for them for c in self_collisions: self.setCollisionFilterPair(robot, robot, c[3], c[4], False) return robot, joints, links
[docs] def is_alive(self): """ Checks whether the engine is still running :return: True when running :rtype: bool """ if self.gui and not self.visualizer.is_alive: return False return True if self._client >= 0 else False
[docs] def update_simulation(self, sleep_duration=0.01): """ Updates the simulation :param sleep_duration: duration to sleep before the next simulation step :type sleep_duration: float, optional, default=0.01 """ # This is here to keep events and everything in open3D work even if we want slower simulation if sleep_duration is None or time.time()-self.last_step > sleep_duration: self.stepSimulation() if self.compute_skin() self.last_step = time.time() self.steps_done += 1 if self.config.log.log and time.time()-self.last_log > self.config.log.period: self.last_log = time.time() if self.log_pose: self.pose_logger.append(self.end_effector.get_position()) if self.gui and time.time()-self.last_render > 0.01 and self.visualizer.is_alive: self.visualizer.render() self.last_render = time.time()
[docs] def toggle_gravity(self): """ Toggles the gravity """ if not self.gravity: self.gravity = True self.setGravity(0, 0, -9.81) else: self.gravity = False self.setGravity(0, 0, 0)
def __del__(self): """ Destructor to make sure the engine is closed """ self.disconnect()
[docs] @staticmethod def scale_bbox(bbox, scale): com = (np.array(bbox[0]) + bbox[1]) / 2 vec = np.array(bbox[0]) - bbox[1] norm = np.linalg.norm(vec) vec = vec / norm new_norm = scale * norm bbox_min = com + new_norm / 2 * vec bbox_max = com - new_norm / 2 * vec return (bbox_min, bbox_max)
[docs] @staticmethod def bbox_overlap(b1_min, b1_max, b2_min, b2_max): for min1, max1, min2, max2 in zip(b1_min, b1_max, b2_min, b2_max): if min1 >= max2: return False if min2 >= max1: return False return True
[docs] def compute_skin(self): """ Function to emulate skin activations using ray casting. """ temp = [] points = None normals = None links_to_test = ["l_hand", "r_hand", "l_forearm", "r_forearm", "l_upper_arm", "r_upper_arm", "chest", "l_upper_leg", "r_upper_leg", "l_lower_leg", "r_lower_leg", "l_foot", "r_foot", "head"] bboxes = [] for l in links_to_test: for ll in self.links: if l == bboxes.append(self.scale_bbox(self.getAABB(self.robot, ll.robot_link_id), 0.8)) break for fo_id, fo in enumerate(self.free_objects): bboxes.append(self.scale_bbox(self.getAABB(fo), 0.8)) links_to_test.append("free_object_"+str(fo_id)) allowed_collisions = {"r_hand": ["r_hand", "r_forearm"], "r_upper_leg": ["r_lower_leg", "r_upper_leg", "r_foot"], "l_forearm": ["l_hand", "l_forearm", "l_upper_arm"], "l_upper_leg": ["l_lower_leg", "l_upper_leg", "l_foot"], "chest": ["l_upper_arm", "r_upper_arm", "chest", "head"], "r_upper_arm": ["r_upper_arm", "r_forearm", "chest", "head"], "r_foot": ["r_foot", "r_upper_leg", "r_lower_leg"], "l_foot": ["l_foot", "l_upper_leg", "l_lower_leg"], "l_upper_arm": ["l_upper_arm", "l_forearm", "chest", "head"], "r_lower_leg": ["r_lower_leg", "r_upper_leg", "r_foot"], "l_lower_leg": ["l_lower_leg", "l_upper_leg", "l_foot"], "r_forearm": ["r_hand", "r_forearm", "r_upper_arm"], "l_hand": ["l_hand", "l_forearm"], "head": ["head", "chest", "l_upper_arm", "r_upper_arm"]} for skin_part, pc in use_skin = False self.skin_activations[skin_part].fill(0) self.activated_skin_points[skin_part] = [] self.activated_skin_normals[skin_part] = [] for link in self.links: if == skin_part: break linkState = self.getLinkState(self.robot, link.robot_link_id, computeLinkVelocity=0, computeForwardKinematics=0) ori = linkState[self.linkInfo["URDFORI"]] pos = linkState[self.linkInfo["URDFPOS"]] R = np.eye(4) R[:3, :3] = np.reshape(self.getMatrixFromQuaternion(ori), (3, 3)) R[:3, 3] = pos points_ = (R @ np.hstack((pc[0], np.ones((len(pc[0]), 1)))).T)[:3, :].T normals_ = (R @ np.hstack((pc[1], np.ones((len(pc[0]), 1)))).T)[:3, :].T bbox = (np.min(points_, axis=0), np.max(points_, axis=0)) bbox_min, bbox_max = self.scale_bbox(bbox, 1) for bb_i, bb in enumerate(bboxes): if self.bbox_overlap(bb[0], bb[1], bbox_min, bbox_max) and links_to_test[bb_i] not in allowed_collisions[skin_part]: use_skin = True break if not use_skin: continue if points is None: points = points_ normals = normals_ else: points = np.vstack((points, points_)) normals = np.vstack((normals, normals_)) temp.append((link.robot_link_id, skin_part, points_.shape[0])) if points is not None: contacts = self.rayTestBatch(points, points +*normals, start_id = 0 for link_id, skin_part, num_points in temp: for c_id, c in enumerate(contacts[start_id:start_id+num_points]): # TODO: Fix this somehow more elegant. Some meshes are not smooth and skin collides with it if c[1] == link_id: continue self.skin_activations[skin_part][c_id] = 1 - c[2] self.activated_skin_points[skin_part].append(points[start_id+c_id]) self.activated_skin_normals[skin_part].append(normals[start_id+c_id]) start_id += num_points
[docs] def prepare_log(self): """ Prepares the log string :return: log string :rtype: str """ states = self.getJointStates(self.robot, [_.robot_joint_id for _ in self.joints]) joint_states = ";".join([str(_[0]) for _ in states]) s = f"{self.last_step};{self.steps_done};{joint_states}" if for skin_part, activations in self.skin_activations.items(): s += ";" + ",".join([str(_) for _ in activations]) return s
[docs] def move_position(self, joints, positions, wait=True, velocity=1, set_col_state=True, check_collision=True): """ Move the specified joints to the given positions :param joints: joint or list of joints to move :type joints: int, list, str :param positions: position or list of positions to move the joints to :type positions: float or list :param wait: whether to wait until the motion is done :type wait: bool, optional, default=True :param velocity: velocity to move the joints with :type velocity: float, optional, default=1 :param set_col_state: whether to reset collision state :type set_col_state: bool, optional, default=True :param check_collision: whether to check for collision during motion :type check_collision: bool, optional, default=True """ if isinstance(joints, int) or isinstance(joints, str): positions = [positions] joints = [joints] for joint, position in zip(joints, positions): robot_joint_id, joint_id = self.find_joint_id(joint) if not (self.joints[joint_id].lower_limit <= position <= self.joints[joint_id].upper_limit): self.logger.warning(f"Joint {joint} cannot be moved to {position} as it is out of bounds " f"({self.joints[joint_id].lower_limit}, {self.joints[joint_id].upper_limit}).") continue self.joints[joint_id].set_point = position self.setJointMotorControl2(self.robot, robot_joint_id, controlMode=self.POSITION_CONTROL, targetPosition=position, force=self.joints[joint_id].max_force, maxVelocity=velocity) if set_col_state: self.collision_during_motion = False if wait: self.wait_motion_done(check_collision=check_collision)
[docs] def move_velocity(self, joints, velocities): """ Move the specified joints with the specified velocity :param joints: joint or list of joints to move :type joints: int or list :param velocities: velocity or list of velocities to move the joints to :type velocities: float or list """ if isinstance(joints, int) or isinstance(joints, str): velocities = [velocities] joints = [joints] for joint, velocity in zip(joints, velocities): robot_joint_id, joint_id = self.find_joint_id(joint) if np.abs(velocity) > self.joints[joint_id].max_velocity: self.logger.warning(f"Joint {joint} cannot be moved with velocity {velocity} as it is over the max velocity " f"{self.joints[joint_id].max_velocity}") self.setJointMotorControl2(self.robot, robot_joint_id, controlMode=self.VELOCITY_CONTROL, targetVelocity=velocity, force=1 if velocity != 0 else 100, maxVelocity=self.joints[joint_id].max_velocity) self.joints[joint_id].set_point = "vel"
[docs] def get_joint_state(self, joints=None, allow_error=False): """ Get the state of the specified joints :param joints: joint or list of joints to get the state of :type joints: int or list, optional, default=None :return: list of states of the joints :rtype: list """ if joints is None: joints = [ for joint in self.joints] elif isinstance(joints, int) or isinstance(joints, str): joints = [joints] states = [] for joint in joints: try: robot_joint_id, joint_id = self.find_joint_id(joint) except Exception as e: if allow_error: states.append(0) continue else: raise e states.append(self.getJointState(self.robot, robot_joint_id)[self.jointStates["POSITION"]]) return states
[docs] def motion_done(self, joints=None, check_collision=True): """ Checks whether the motion is done. :param joints: joint or list of joints to get the state of :type joints: int or list, optional, default=None :param check_collision: whether to check for collision during motion :type check_collision: bool, optional, default=True :return: True when motion is done, false otherwise :rtype: bool """ if joints is None: joints = [ for joint in self.joints] elif not isinstance(joints, list): joints = [joints] if check_collision: contacts = self.getContactPoints(self.robot) for c in contacts: if c[self.contactPoints["IDB"]] not in self.free_objects and c[self.contactPoints["DISTANCE"]] < self.config.collision_tolerance: self.collision_during_motion = True self.stop_robot() self.logger.warning("Collision detected during motion!") self.print_collision_info() return True for joint in joints: robot_joint_id, joint_id = self.find_joint_id(joint) state = self.getJointState(self.robot, robot_joint_id) if self.joints[joint_id].set_point is not None and self.joints[joint_id].set_point != "vel": if np.abs(state[self.jointStates["POSITION"]] - self.joints[joint_id].set_point) > self.joint_tolerance: return False self.stop_robot() return True
[docs] def wait_motion_done(self, sleep_duration=0.01, check_collision=True): """ Help function to wait for motion to be done. Can sleep for a specific duration :param sleep_duration: how long to sleep before running simulation step :type sleep_duration: float, optional, default=0.01 :param check_collision: whether to check for collisions during motion :type check_collision: bool, optional, default=True """ while not self.motion_done(check_collision=check_collision): self.update_simulation(sleep_duration)
[docs] def stop_robot(self): """ Stops the robot """ joints = [ for joint in self.joints] for joint in joints: robot_joint_id, joint_id = self.find_joint_id(joint) state = self.getJointState(self.robot, robot_joint_id) if self.joints[joint_id].set_point is not None: if self.joints[joint_id].set_point == "vel": self.move_position(joint, state[self.jointStates["POSITION"]], wait=False, set_col_state=False) else: self.move_position(joint, state[self.jointStates["POSITION"]], wait=False, set_col_state=False) self.joints[joint_id].set_point = None
[docs] def move_cartesian(self, pose, wait=True, velocity=1, check_collision=True): """ Move the robot in cartesian space by computing inverse kinematics and running position control :param pose: desired pose of the end effector :type pose: utils.Pose :param wait: whether to wait for movement completion :type wait: bool, optional, default=True :param velocity: joint velocity to move with :type velocity: float, optional, default=1 :param check_collision: whether to check for collisions during motion :type check_collision: bool, optional, default=True """ ik_solution = np.array(self.calculateInverseKinematics(self.robot, self.end_effector.link_id, pose.pos, pose.ori, lowerLimits=self.IK_config["lower_limits"], upperLimits=self.IK_config["upper_limits"], jointRanges=self.IK_config["joint_ranges"], restPoses=self.IK_config["rest_poses"])) self.move_position(self.IK_config["movable_joints"], ik_solution[self.IK_config["movable_joints"]], wait=False, velocity=velocity) if wait: self.wait_motion_done(check_collision=check_collision)
[docs] def find_joint_id(self, joint_name): """ Help function to get indexes from joint name of joint index in self.joints list :param joint_name: name or index of the link :type joint_name: str or int :return: joint id in pybullet and pycub space :rtype: int, int """ for joint in self.joints: if joint_name in [, joint.joints_id]: return joint.robot_joint_id, joint.joints_id
[docs] def run_vhacd(self): """ Function to run VHACD on all objects in loaded URDFs, and to create new URDFs with changed collision meshes """ something_changed = False for obj_name, obj in self.urdfs.items(): for link in obj.links: if hasattr(link, "collision"): if hasattr(link.collision.geometry, "mesh"): col_path_ori = link.collision.geometry.mesh.filename col_path = col_path_ori.replace("package://", "") col_path = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(self.file_dir, "..", col_path)) vhacd_path = col_path.replace(".obj", "_vhacd.obj").replace("visual", "vhacd") if self.config.vhacd.force_vhacd or not os.path.exists(vhacd_path): self.vhacd(col_path, vhacd_path, "", resolution=1000000, maxNumVerticesPerCH=1, gamma=0.0005, concavity=0) if self.config.vhacd.force_vhacd_urdf or not os.path.exists(vhacd_path): something_changed = True link.collision.geometry.mesh.filename = col_path_ori.replace("visual", "vhacd").replace(".obj", "_vhacd.obj") if something_changed or self.config.vhacd.force_vhacd_urdf or not obj.path.replace(".urdf", "_vhacd.urdf"): obj.write_urdf() obj.path = obj.path.replace("_fixed", "").replace(".urdf", "_vhacd.urdf") with open(obj.path, "w") as f: f.write(obj.new_urdf)
[docs] def create_urdf(self, object_path, fixed, color, suffix=""): """ Creates a URDF for the given .obj file :param object_path: path to the .obj :type object_path: str :param fixed: whether the object is fixed in space :type fixed: bool :param color: color of the object :type color: list of 3 floats """ with open(os.path.join(self.file_dir, "..", "other_meshes", "object_default.urdf"), "r") as f: urdf = if suffix != "": mesh =, "../other_meshes", object_path))) object_path = object_path.replace(".obj", suffix+".obj") object_path = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(self.file_dir, "../other_meshes", object_path)) if suffix != "":, mesh) model_name = os.path.basename(object_path).split(".")[0] urdf = urdf.replace("OBJECTNAME", model_name).replace("LATERALFRICTION", "1") \ .replace("ROLLINGFRICTION", "0").replace("MASS", "0.2").replace("FILENAMECOLLISION", object_path) \ .replace("FILENAME", object_path).replace("VISUALCOLOR", " ".join(map(str, color))) if fixed: with open(os.path.join(self.file_dir, "..", "other_meshes", "fixed_link.txt"), "r") as f: fixed_link_text = urdf = urdf.replace("</robot>", fixed_link_text) with open(object_path.replace(".obj", ".urdf"), "w") as f: f.write(urdf)
[docs] def print_collision_info(self, c=None): """ Help function to print collision info :param c: one collision :type c: list, optional, default=None """ if c is None: contacts = self.getContactPoints(self.robot) for c in contacts: self.print_collision_info(c) else: if c[self.contactPoints['IDB']] == self.robot: body_b = "robot" else: for obj, name, _ in self.other_objects: if c[self.contactPoints['IDB']] == obj: body_b = name break for link in self.links: if link.robot_link_id == c[self.contactPoints['INDEXA']]: break link_a = if c[self.contactPoints['IDB']] == self.robot: for link in self.links: if link.robot_link_id == c[self.contactPoints['INDEXB']]: break link_b = else: link_b = f"{body_b} link {c[self.contactPoints['INDEXB']]}""\nCollision of robot with {body_b}\n" f"Collision of {link_a} with {link_b}\n" f"Position A: {c[self.contactPoints['POSITIONA']]}\n" f"Position B: {c[self.contactPoints['POSITIONB']]}\n" f"Normal: {c[self.contactPoints['NORMAL']]}\n" f"Distance: {c[self.contactPoints['DISTANCE']]}\n" f"Force: {c[self.contactPoints['FORCE']]}\n" f"Friction 1: {c[self.contactPoints['FRICTION1']]}\n" f"Friction dir 1: {c[self.contactPoints['FRICTIONDIR1']]}\n" f"Friction 2: {c[self.contactPoints['FRICTION2']]}\n" f"Friction dir 2: {c[self.contactPoints['FRICTIONDIR2']]}\n")
[docs]class Joint: def __init__(self, name, robot_joint_id, joints_id, lower_limit, upper_limit, max_force, max_velocity): """ Help class to encapsulate joint information :param name: name of the joint :type name: str :param robot_joint_id: id of the joint in pybullet :type robot_joint_id: int :param joints_id: id of the joint in pycub.joints :type joints_id: int :param lower_limit: lower limit of the joint :type lower_limit: float :param upper_limit: upper limit of the joint :type upper_limit: float :param max_force: max force of the joint :type max_force: float :param max_velocity: max velocity of the joint :type max_velocity: float """ = name self.robot_joint_id = robot_joint_id self.joints_id = joints_id self.lower_limit = lower_limit self.upper_limit = upper_limit self.max_force = max_force self.max_velocity = max_velocity self.set_point = None def __repr__(self): return f"Joint {} with id {self.robot_joint_id}"
[docs]class EndEffector: def __init__(self, name, client): """ Help function for end-effector encapsulaation :param name: name of the end-effector :type name: str :param client: parent client :type client: pointer to pyCub instance """ = name self.client = client for link in self.client.urdfs["robot"].links: if == self.link_id = self.client.find_link_id(os.path.basename(link.collision.geometry.mesh.filename)) break
[docs] def get_position(self): """ Function to get current position of the end-effector """ state = self.client.getLinkState(self.client.robot, self.link_id) pos = list(state[self.client.linkInfo["URDFPOS"]]) ori = list(state[self.client.linkInfo["URDFORI"]]) return Pose(pos, ori)