Source code for icub_pybullet.utils

import open3d as o3d
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
from collections import namedtuple, _tuplegetter
import yaml
import copy
import os
import re
import numpy as np
import logging

[docs]class URDF: """ Class to parse URDF file """ ROOT_TAGS = [] def __init__(self, path): """ :param path: path to the URDF file :type path: str """ tree = ET.parse(path) root = tree.getroot() self.path = path self.links = [] self.joints = [] self.robot_name = root.attrib["name"] for child in root: if child.tag == "link": self.links.append(namedtuple(child.attrib["name"], [])), self.links[-1]) elif child.tag == "joint": self.joints.append(namedtuple(child.attrib["name"], [])), self.joints[-1]) self.new_urdf = '' self.fix_urdf() self.make_references() self.find_root_tags()
[docs] def find_root_tags(self): """ Finds tags that are 'root', i.e., they have child 'inside' """ with open(self.path, "r") as f: data = x = re.findall("^(?!.* name).*<(.*?) ", data, flags=re.MULTILINE) x = np.unique(x).tolist() self.ROOT_TAGS = x
[docs] def read(self, el, parent): """ Recursive function to read the URDF file. When there are no children, it reads the attributes and saves them. :param el: The current element in the XML tree. :type el: xml.etree.ElementTree.Element :param parent: The parent element in the XML tree. :type parent: xml.etree.ElementTree.Element """ for child in el: childer_attrs = [_.tag for _ in child] # Check for existing fields, so we can append when something is twice for one link/joint (usually visual) if not hasattr(parent, child.tag) or isinstance(getattr(parent, child.tag), _tuplegetter): # create named tuple for all children setattr(parent, child.tag, namedtuple(child.tag, childer_attrs)) # recursive call, getattr(parent, child.tag)) # real all attributes of leaf node and save it in LIST for attr, attr_val in el.attrib.items(): attr_val = attr_val.split(" ") if len(attr_val) > 1: if len(attr_val) > 3: attr_val = [_ for _ in attr_val if _ != ""] attr_val = list(map(float, attr_val)) else: try: attr_val = float(attr_val[0]) except: attr_val = attr_val[0] setattr(parent, attr, attr_val)
[docs] def dereference(self): """ Make parent/child again as names to allow urdf write """ for j in self.joints: if not hasattr(j.parent, "link"): for relative in ["parent", "child"]: name = getattr(j, relative).name delattr(j, relative) setattr(j, relative, namedtuple(relative, ["link"])) getattr(j, relative).link = name for l in self.links: if hasattr(l, "joint"): delattr(l, "joint")
[docs] def make_references(self): """ Make parent/child in joint list as references to the given link """ for j in self.joints: for l in self.links: if hasattr(j.parent, "link"): if == j.parent = l if not hasattr(l, "joint"): l.joint = [j] else: l.joint.append(j) break for l in self.links: if hasattr(j.child, "link"): if == j.child = l break
[docs] def fix_urdf(self): """ Fix the URDF file by converting non-mesh geometries to mesh and saving them as .obj files. If changes were made, write the new URDF to a file. """ something_changed = False for link in self.links: for visual_type in ["visual", "collision"]: if hasattr(link, visual_type): geom = getattr(link, visual_type).geometry if not hasattr(geom, "mesh"): if hasattr(geom, "box"): mesh = o3d.geometry.TriangleMesh().create_box(* delattr(geom, "box") elif hasattr(geom, "cylinder"): mesh = o3d.geometry.TriangleMesh().create_cylinder(radius=geom.cylinder.radius, height=geom.cylinder.length) delattr(geom, "cylinder") elif hasattr(geom, "sphere"): mesh = o3d.geometry.TriangleMesh().create_sphere(radius=geom.sphere.radius) delattr(geom, "sphere") setattr(geom, "mesh", namedtuple("mesh", ["filename"])) path = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(self.path), "meshes", "fixed_urdf", visual_type)) geom.mesh.filename = os.path.join(path,".obj") if not os.path.exists(path): os.makedirs(path), mesh) something_changed = True if something_changed: self.write_urdf() with open(self.path.replace(".urdf", "_fixed.urdf"), "w") as f: f.write(self.new_urdf) self.path = self.path.replace(".urdf", "_fixed.urdf")
[docs] def write_attr(self, attr_name, attr, level=1, skip_header=False): """ Write an attribute to the new URDF string. :param attr_name: The name of the attribute. :type attr_name: str :param attr: The attribute value. :type attr: any :param level: The indentation level for the attribute. :type level: int, optional, default=1 :param skip_header: Whether to skip writing the attribute header. :type skip_header: bool, optional, default=False """ if not skip_header and attr_name in self.ROOT_TAGS: self.new_urdf += ' ' * level * 4 + '<' + attr_name elif not skip_header: if hasattr(attr, "name"): self.new_urdf += ' ' * level * 4 + '<' + attr_name + ' name="''">\n' else: self.new_urdf += ' ' * level * 4 + '<' + attr_name + '>\n' if hasattr(attr, "__dict__"): for inner_attr_name, inner_attr in attr.__dict__.items(): if inner_attr_name[0] != "_" and inner_attr_name != "name": self.write_attr(inner_attr_name, inner_attr, level+1, attr_name in self.ROOT_TAGS) else: self.new_urdf += ' ' + attr_name + '="' if attr_name != "name": if isinstance(attr, str): self.new_urdf += attr + '"' else: try: self.new_urdf += ' '.join(map(str, attr)) + '"' except: self.new_urdf += ' '.join(map(str, [attr])) + '"' if not skip_header and attr_name in self.ROOT_TAGS: self.new_urdf += '/>\n' elif not skip_header: self.new_urdf += ' ' * level * 4 + '</' + attr_name + '>\n'
[docs] def write_urdf(self): """ Write the URDF object to a string. """ self.dereference() self.new_urdf = '<robot name="'+self.robot_name+'">\n' for link in self.links: self.new_urdf += '<link name="''">\n' for attr_name, attr in link.__dict__.items(): if attr_name[0] != "_" and attr_name != "name": self.write_attr(attr_name, attr) self.new_urdf += '</link>\n' for joint in self.joints: self.new_urdf += '<joint name="''" type="'+joint.type+'">\n' for attr_name, attr in joint.__dict__.items(): if attr_name[0] != "_" and attr_name != "name" and attr_name != "type": self.write_attr(attr_name, attr) self.new_urdf += '</joint>\n' self.new_urdf += '</robot>' self.make_references()
[docs]class Config: """ Class to parse and keep the config loaded from yaml file """ def __init__(self, config_path): """ :param config_path: path to the config file :type config_path: str """ with open(config_path, "r") as f: config_dict = yaml.safe_load(f) for attr, value in config_dict.items(): self.set_attribute(attr, value, self) required_attributes = {"vhacd": ["use_vhacd", "force_vhacd", "force_vhacd_urdf"], "robot_urdf_path": [], "gui": [], "tolerance": ["joint"], "skin": ["use", "radius", "num_cores", "skin_parts"], "collision_tolerance": [], "end_effector": [], "debug": [], "log": ["log", "period"], "simulation_step": [], "self_collisions": [], "eyes": ["l_eye", "r_eye"]} for attr in required_attributes: if not hasattr(self, attr): raise AttributeError(f"Missing attribute {attr} in config file {config_path}") for sub_attr in required_attributes[attr]: if not hasattr(getattr(self, attr), sub_attr): raise AttributeError(f"Missing attribute {attr}.{sub_attr} in config file {config_path}")
[docs] def set_attribute(self, attr, value, reference): """ Function to recursively fill the instance variables from dictionary. When value is non-dict, it is directly assigned to a variable. Else, the dict is recursively parsed. :param attr: name of the attribute :type attr: str :param value: value of the attribute :type value: str, float, int, dict, list, ... - and other that can be loaded from yaml :param reference: reference to the parent class. "self" for the upper attributes, pointer to namedtuple for inner attributes :type reference: pointer or whatever it is called in Python :return: 0 :rtype: int """ # Parse non-dict directly to the attribute if not isinstance(value, dict): setattr(reference, attr, value) return 0 # prepare named tuple for the dict attribute and populate in recursively else: setattr(reference, attr, namedtuple(attr, list(value.keys()))) for inner_attr, inner_value in value.items(): self.set_attribute(inner_attr, inner_value, getattr(reference, attr)) return 0
[docs]class Pose: """ Mini help class for Pose representation """ def __init__(self, pos, ori): """ Init function that takes position and orientation and saves them as attributes :param pos: x,y,z position :type pos: list :param ori: rpy orientation :type ori: list """ self.pos = pos self.ori = ori def __str__(self): return f"position: {self.pos}, orientation: {self.ori}"
[docs] def to_string(self): return ";".join(map(str, self.pos)) + ";" + ";".join(map(str, self.ori))
[docs]class CustomFormatter(logging.Formatter): """ Custom formatter that assigns colors to logs From """ grey = "\x1b[38;20m" yellow = "\x1b[33;20m" red = "\x1b[31;20m" bold_red = "\x1b[31;1m" reset = "\x1b[0m" format = '%(module)s %(levelname)s: %(message)s' FORMATS = { logging.DEBUG: grey + format + reset, logging.INFO: grey + format + reset, logging.WARNING: yellow + format + reset, logging.ERROR: red + format + reset, logging.CRITICAL: bold_red + format + reset }
[docs] def format(self, record): log_fmt = self.FORMATS.get(record.levelno) formatter = logging.Formatter(log_fmt) return formatter.format(record)