Source code for icub_pybullet.visualizer

import open3d as o3d
import os
import numpy as np
import open3d.visualization.gui as gui
import open3d.visualization.rendering as rendering

[docs]class Visualizer: """Class to help with custom rendering""" def __init__(self, client=None): """ :param client: The client to be used for the visualizer. :type client: int, optional, default=None """ self.client = client self.meshes = {} self.meshes = {} self.R_urdf = {} if self.fpath_to_skin = {} # Init GUI, windows, etc. self.gui = gui.Application.instance self.gui.initialize() self.window = self.gui.create_window("pyCub", 640, 480, 0, 0) self.gui.menubar = gui.Menu() = self.gui.menubar self.scene = gui.SceneWidget() self.scene.scene = rendering.Open3DScene(self.window.renderer) self.vis = self.scene.scene self.scene.background_color = o3d.visualization.gui.Color(1, 1, 1, 1) self.vis.set_background([1, 1, 1, 1]) self.vis.set_lighting(self.vis.NO_SHADOWS, [0, 0, 0]) # prepare default material self.mat = rendering.MaterialRecord() self.mat.shader = 'defaultLit' # Prepare the menu self.file_menu = gui.Menu() self.file_menu.add_item("RGB image", 0) self.file_menu.add_item("depth image", 1) menu_counter = 2 for eye in ["l_eye", "r_eye"]: for image_type in ["RGB", "RGB_D"]: self.file_menu.add_item(f"{eye} {image_type} image", menu_counter) self.file_menu.set_enabled(menu_counter, False) menu_counter += 1"Save", self.file_menu) self.show_menu = gui.Menu() self.show_menu.add_item("l_eye", menu_counter) self.show_menu.add_item("r_eye", menu_counter + 1)"Show", self.show_menu) self.file_menu.add_item("Stream l_eye to file", menu_counter + 2) self.file_menu.set_enabled(menu_counter + 2, False) self.file_menu.add_item("Stream r_eye to file", menu_counter + 3) self.file_menu.set_enabled(menu_counter + 3, False) show_callbacks = [] for menu_id in range(menu_counter + 4): c = self.MenuCallback(menu_id, self) if menu_id in [6, 7]: show_callbacks.append(c) self.window.set_on_menu_item_activated(menu_id, c) self.show_menu.add_item("Coordination Frame", menu_counter+4) show_callbacks.append(self.MenuCallback(menu_counter+4, self)) self.window.set_on_menu_item_activated(menu_counter+4, show_callbacks[-1]) self.window.add_child(self.scene) self.file_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) self.orientations = [] self.positions = [] self.colors = [] self.paths = [] self.eye_windows = {} # Run this, to load the initial meshes, compute bounding boxes and init camera and center of rotation self.read_info(self.client.robot) self.show_first() self.show_mesh() # this is here only for bounding box computation # compute center of all objects scene_mesh = o3d.geometry.TriangleMesh() for f_path, m in self.meshes.items(): R = self.vis.get_geometry_transform(f_path) m.transform(R) scene_mesh += m m.transform(np.linalg.inv(R)) bbox = scene_mesh.get_axis_aligned_bounding_box() center = bbox.get_center() # look at the center self.scene.look_at(center, center+[-1, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1]) self.scene.center_of_rotation = center for obj_id, obj_name, _ in self.client.other_objects: self.read_info(obj_id) self.show_first(urdf_name=obj_name) self.show_mesh() self.is_alive = True if self.client.config.eyes.l_eye: show_callbacks[0]() if self.client.config.eyes.r_eye: show_callbacks[1]()
[docs] def show_first(self, urdf_name="robot"): """ Show the first batch of meshes in the visualizer. It loads the meshes and saves the to dict for quicker use later :param urdf_name: The name of the urdf to be used. :type urdf_name: str, optional, default="robot" """ for mesh_id in range(len(self.positions) // 3): # get correct values for given mesh col = self.colors[mesh_id * 3:(mesh_id + 1) * 3] f_path = self.paths[mesh_id] self.meshes[f_path] = # Just for visualization if not self.meshes[f_path].has_triangle_normals(): self.meshes[f_path].compute_triangle_normals() if not self.meshes[f_path].has_vertex_normals(): self.meshes[f_path].compute_vertex_normals() self.meshes[f_path].paint_uniform_color(col[:3]) # URDF rotations and translations init_xyz, init_rpy, scale, link_name = self.find_xyz_rpy(os.path.basename(f_path), urdf_name=urdf_name) R_urdf = np.eye(4) R_urdf[:3, :3] = np.reshape(self.client.getMatrixFromQuaternion(self.client.getQuaternionFromEuler(init_rpy)), (3, 3)) R_urdf[:3, 3] = init_xyz self.R_urdf[f_path] = R_urdf self.meshes[f_path].scale(scale, self.meshes[f_path].get_center()) self.meshes[f_path].translate(self.meshes[f_path].get_center()*scale, relative=False) # Add the mesh self.vis.add_geometry(f_path, geometry=self.meshes[f_path], material=self.mat) if if link_name in self.client.skin_point_clouds: self.fpath_to_skin[f_path] = link_name self.vis.add_geometry(f_path+"_skin", geometry=self.client.skin_point_clouds[link_name], material=self.mat) else: self.fpath_to_skin[f_path] = None
[docs] def show_mesh(self): """ Function to parse info about meshes from PyBullet """ for mesh_id in range(len(self.positions) // 3): # get correct values for given mesh pos = self.positions[mesh_id * 3:(mesh_id + 1) * 3] ori = self.orientations[mesh_id * 4:(mesh_id + 1) * 4] f_path = self.paths[mesh_id] R_urdf = self.R_urdf[f_path] # get ori and position as 4x4 transformation matrix R = np.eye(4) R[:3, :3] = np.reshape(self.client.getMatrixFromQuaternion(ori), (3, 3)) R[:3, 3] = pos self.vis.set_geometry_transform(f_path, R @ R_urdf) for ew in self.eye_windows.values(): ew.vis.set_geometry_transform(f_path, R @ R_urdf) if ew.link_name in f_path: R_ = R @ R_urdf = (R_ @ np.hstack((self.meshes[f_path].get_center(), 1)))[:3] R_[:3, 3] = [0, 0, 0] ew.dir = (R_ @ [0, 0, 1, 1])[:3] ew.dir = 0.1*ew.dir/np.linalg.norm(ew.dir) if and self.fpath_to_skin[f_path] is not None: self.client.skin_point_clouds[self.fpath_to_skin[f_path]].paint_uniform_color([1, 0, 0]) colors = np.asarray(self.client.skin_point_clouds[self.fpath_to_skin[f_path]].colors) colors[self.client.skin_activations[self.fpath_to_skin[f_path]] > 0] = [0, 1, 0] self.client.skin_point_clouds[self.fpath_to_skin[f_path]].colors = o3d.utility.Vector3dVector(colors) self.vis.remove_geometry(f_path+"_skin") self.vis.add_geometry(f_path+"_skin", geometry=self.client.skin_point_clouds[self.fpath_to_skin[f_path]], material=self.mat) self.vis.set_geometry_transform(f_path+"_skin", R)
[docs] def read_info(self, obj_id): """ Read info from PyBullet :param obj_id: id of the object; given by pybullet :type obj_id: int :return: 0 for success :rtype: int """ # All meshes from the current object visualData = self.client.getVisualShapeData(obj_id) self.positions = [] self.orientations = [] self.colors = [] self.paths = [] for m in visualData: # Get information about individual parts of the object f_path = m[self.client.visualShapeData["FILE"]].decode("utf-8") if f_path == "": continue col = m[self.client.visualShapeData["COLOR"]] link = m[self.client.visualShapeData["LINK"]] # non-base links if link != -1: # get link info linkState = self.client.getLinkState(obj_id, link, computeLinkVelocity=0, computeForwardKinematics=0) # get orientation and position wrt URDF - better than in world ori = linkState[self.client.linkInfo["URDFORI"]] pos = linkState[self.client.linkInfo["URDFPOS"]] # link == -1 is base. For that, getBasePosition... needs to be used. This joint must not contain URDF visual xyz and rpy else: pos, ori = self.client.getBasePositionAndOrientation(obj_id) self.positions += pos self.orientations += ori self.colors += col[:-1] self.paths.append(f_path) return 0
[docs] def render(self): """ Render all the things """ # read info self.read_info(self.client.robot) # add new self.show_mesh() for obj_id, _, fixed in self.client.other_objects: if not fixed: self.read_info(obj_id) self.show_mesh() self.window.post_redraw() for ew in self.eye_windows.values(): ew.scene.look_at( + ew.dir,, [0, 0, 1]) ew.window.post_redraw() ew.get_image() if ew.save_images_bool: ew.save_images() if not self.gui.run_one_tick(): self.is_alive = False self.gui.quit()
[docs] class MenuCallback: """ Class to handle menu callbacks. """ def __init__(self, menu_id, parent): """ Initialize the MenuCallback class. :param menu_id: The id of the menu. :type menu_id: int :param parent: The parent class (Visualizer). :type parent: pointer to the class of visualizer.Visualizer type """ = menu_id self.parent = parent self.path = None self.dialog_opened = False def __call__(self): """ What happens when the menu is clicked """ if > 5:, not if == 0: self.parent.vis.scene.render_to_image(lambda im: self.save_image(im, 0)) elif == 1: self.parent.vis.scene.render_to_depth_image(lambda im: self.save_image(im, 1)) elif == 2: self.parent.eye_windows["l_eye"].vis.scene.render_to_image(lambda im: self.save_image(im, 0)) elif == 3: self.parent.eye_windows["l_eye"].vis.scene.render_to_depth_image(lambda im: self.save_image(im, 1)) elif == 4: self.parent.eye_windows["r_eye"].vis.scene.render_to_image(lambda im: self.save_image(im, 0)) elif == 5: self.parent.eye_windows["r_eye"].vis.scene.render_to_depth_image(lambda im: self.save_image(im, 1)) elif in [6, 7]: eye = "l_eye" if == 6 else "r_eye" # When already opened -> close if eye in self.parent.eye_windows: self.parent.eye_windows[eye].window.close() else: self.parent.EyeWindow(eye, self.parent) elif in [8, 9]: eye = "l_eye" if == 8 else "r_eye" self.parent.eye_windows[eye].save_images_bool = not self.parent.eye_windows[eye].save_images_bool elif == 10: if self.parent.vis.add_geometry("coordination_frame", o3d.geometry.TriangleMesh.create_coordinate_frame(size=1), self.parent.mat) else: self.parent.vis.remove_geometry("coordination_frame")
[docs] def save_image(self, im, mode): """ Save the image. It shows FileDialog to find path for image save. It saves it with the current resolution of the window. :param im: The image to be saved. :type im: open3d.geometry.Image :param mode: The mode of the image. 0 for RGB, 1 for depth. :type mode: int """ dia = gui.Dialog("path_save_dialog") fd = gui.FileDialog(gui.FileDialog.Mode.SAVE, "Where to save?", self.parent.window.theme) fd.set_on_done(self.input_completed) fd.set_on_cancel(self.input_completed) fd.set_path(os.path.normpath(os.path.join(self.parent.client.file_dir, ".."))) dia.add_child(fd) self.dialog_opened = True self.parent.window.show_dialog(dia) self.wait_for_dialog_completion() self.parent.window.close_dialog() if self.path is None: return 0 if mode == 1: im = o3d.geometry.Image((255*np.asarray(im)).astype(np.uint8)), im)"File saved to {self.path}") self.path = None
[docs] def wait_for_dialog_completion(self): """ Help function to keep the gui loop running """ while self.dialog_opened: self.parent.window.post_redraw() self.parent.gui.run_one_tick()
[docs] def input_completed(self, text=None): self.path = text self.dialog_opened = False
[docs] def find_xyz_rpy(self, mesh_name, urdf_name="robot"): """ Find the xyz, rpy and scales values. :param mesh_name: The name of the mesh. :type mesh_name: str :param urdf_name: The name of the urdf. :type urdf_name: str, optional, default="robot" :return: The xyz, rpy, and scales, link_name """ for link in self.client.urdfs[urdf_name].links: if hasattr(link, "visual"): for idx in range(len(link.visual.geometry.mesh.filename)): if os.path.basename(link.visual.geometry.mesh.filename) == mesh_name: xyz = rpy = link.visual.origin.rpy scale = link.visual.geometry.mesh.scale[0] link_name = return xyz, rpy, scale, link_name
[docs] class EyeWindow: MENU_IDS = {"l_eye": [2, 3, 8], "r_eye": [4, 5, 9]} POSITIONS = {"l_eye": [320, 560], "r_eye": [0, 560]} def __init__(self, eye, parent): """ Class to handle windows for eye rendering :param eye: name of the eye :type eye: str :param parent: The parent class (Visualizer). :type parent: int """ self.eye = eye self.link_name = self.eye + "_pupil" self.parent = parent self.window = self.parent.gui.create_window(self.eye, 320, 240, self.POSITIONS[self.eye][0], self.POSITIONS[self.eye][1]) self.window.set_on_close(self.on_close) self.scene = gui.SceneWidget() self.scene.set_on_mouse(self.on_mouse) self.scene.scene = rendering.Open3DScene(self.window.renderer) self.vis = self.scene.scene self.scene.background_color = o3d.visualization.gui.Color(1, 1, 1, 1) self.vis.set_background([1, 1, 1, 1]) self.vis.set_lighting(self.vis.NO_SHADOWS, [0, 0, 0]) self.window.show_menu(False) self.window.add_child(self.scene) = None self.dir = None self.img_counter = 0 self.save_images_bool = False self.last_image = None for menu_id in self.MENU_IDS[self.eye]: self.parent.file_menu.set_enabled(menu_id, True) # Add all existing meshes to the visualizer and transform them to current position for mesh in self.parent.meshes: self.vis.add_geometry(mesh, geometry=self.parent.meshes[mesh], material=self.parent.mat) # This is needed basically only for stationary objects, but it does not really matter if done for all self.vis.set_geometry_transform(mesh, self.parent.vis.get_geometry_transform(mesh)) self.parent.eye_windows[self.eye] = self
[docs] def on_close(self): """ Small function to delete the window from the parent class """ for menu_id in self.MENU_IDS[self.eye]: self.parent.file_menu.set_enabled(menu_id, False) del self.parent.eye_windows[self.eye] return True
[docs] def on_mouse(self, event): """ Small function to ignore mouse events :param event: Mouse event :type event: gui.MouseEvent """ return self.scene.EventCallbackResult.CONSUMED
[docs] def get_image(self): self.vis.scene.render_to_image(self.save_image)
[docs] def save_images(self): """ Function to save stream of images to file """ p = os.path.join(self.parent.file_dir, "..", "images", self.eye, "RGB") if not os.path.exists(p): os.makedirs(p) p = os.path.join(p, str(self.img_counter)+".png") self.img_counter += 1, self.last_image)
[docs] def save_image(self, im): """ Callback to get images from open3d :param im: the image to be saves :type im: o3d.geometry.Image """ self.last_image = im