Source code for pycub

import glob
import time
import numpy as np
import pybullet as p
from pybullet_utils.bullet_client import BulletClient
import os
from visualizer import Visualizer
from utils import Config, URDF, Pose, CustomFormatter
import open3d as o3d
import logging
import datetime
import inspect
from subprocess import call
import atexit

[docs] class pyCub(BulletClient): """ Client class which inherits from BulletClient and contains the whole simulation functionality """ # As dict, because IntEnum is about 1.5-2x slower jointInfo = {name: i for i, name in enumerate(["INDEX", "NAME", "TYPE", "QINDEX", "UINDEX", "FLAGS", "DAMPING", "FRICTION", "LOWERLIMIT", "UPPERLIMIT", "MAXFORCE", "MAXVELOCITY", "LINKNAME", "AXIS", "PARENTPOS", "PARENTORN", "PARENTINDEX"])} jointStates = {name: i for i, name in enumerate(["POSITION", "VELOCITY", "FORCES", "TORQUE"])} linkInfo = {name: i for i, name in enumerate(["WORLDPOS", "WORLDORI", "INERTIAPOS", "INERTIAORI", "URDFPOS", "URDFORI", "LINVEL", "ANGVEL"])} contactPoints = {name: i for i, name in enumerate(["FLAG", "IDA", "IDB", "INDEXA", "INDEXB", "POSITIONA", "POSITIONB", "NORMAL", "DISTANCE", "FORCE", "FRICTION1", "FRICTIONDIR1", "FRICTION2", "FRICTIONDIR2"])} dynamicsInfo = {name: i for i, name in enumerate(["MASS", "FRICTION", "INTERTIADIAGONAL", "INERTIAPOS", "INERTIAOR", "RESTITUTION", "ROLLINGFRICTION", "SPINNINGFRICTION", "DAMPING", "STIFFNESS", "BODYTYPE", "MARGIN"])} visualShapeData = {name: i for i, name in enumerate(["ID", "LINK", "GEOMTYPE", "DIMS", "FILE", "POS", "ORI", "COLOR", "TEXTURE"])} def __init__(self, config="default.yaml"): """ :param config: path to the config file :type config: str, optional, default="default.yaml" """ super().__init__(p.DIRECT) self.parent_name = os.path.basename(inspect.stack()[1][0].f_locals["__file__"]) self.file_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) self.config = Config(os.path.join(self.file_dir, "configs", config)) self.config.simulation_step = 1/self.config.simulation_step self.setTimeStep(self.config.simulation_step) self.gui = self.config.gui if self.gui: atexit.register(self.kill_open3d) self.logger = logging.getLogger("pycub_logger") self.logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG if self.config.debug else logging.INFO) stream_handler = logging.StreamHandler() stream_handler.setFormatter(CustomFormatter()) self.logger.addHandler(stream_handler) self.gravity = False self.urdf_path = os.path.join(self.file_dir, self.config.robot_urdf_path) self.urdfs = {"robot": URDF(self.urdf_path)} self.other_objects = [] if hasattr(self.config, "urdfs"): for obj_id, urdf, fixed, color in zip(np.arange(len(self.config.urdfs.paths)), self.config.urdfs.paths, self.config.urdfs.fixed, self.config.urdfs.color): suffix = "" if os.path.basename(urdf).split(".")[-1] == "obj": obj_name = os.path.basename(urdf).split(".")[0] while obj_name in self.urdfs: suffix += "_" obj_name = obj_name+suffix self.create_urdf(urdf, fixed, color, suffix) urdf = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(self.file_dir, "..", "other_meshes", urdf.replace(".obj", suffix+".urdf"))) elif os.path.basename(urdf).split(".")[-1] == "urdf": urdf = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(self.file_dir, "..", "other_meshes", urdf)) else: raise ValueError("Objects must be .obj or .urdf!") self.urdfs[os.path.basename(urdf).split(".")[0]] = URDF(urdf) self.config.urdfs.paths[obj_id] = urdf if self.config.vhacd.use_vhacd: self.run_vhacd() self.free_objects = [] if hasattr(self.config, "urdfs"): for urdf, pos, fixed in zip(self.config.urdfs.paths, self.config.urdfs.positions, self.config.urdfs.fixed): obj_name = os.path.basename(urdf).split(".")[0] urdf = self.urdfs[obj_name].path self.other_objects.append((self.loadURDF(urdf, pos), obj_name, fixed)) if not fixed: self.free_objects.append(self.other_objects[-1][0]) self.urdf_path = self.urdfs["robot"].path self.robot, self.joints, self.links = self.init_robot() # prepare IK config so we can utilize null space self.IK_config = {"movable_joints": [_.joints_id for _ in self.joints if "_hand_" not in], "lower_limits": [_.lower_limit for _ in self.joints], "upper_limits": [_.upper_limit for _ in self.joints], "joint_ranges": [np.abs(_.upper_limit - _.lower_limit) for _ in self.joints], "rest_poses": [0 if not hasattr(self.config.initial_joint_angles, else np.deg2rad(getattr(self.config.initial_joint_angles, for _ in self.joints]} self.end_effector = EndEffector(self.config.end_effector, self) self.last_step = time.time() self.last_log = time.time() self.joint_tolerance = float(self.config.tolerance.joint) self.neighbour_links = {} if self.skin_point_clouds = {} = {} self.skin_activations = {} with open(os.path.join(self.file_dir, "..", "iCub/skin/point_clouds/config.txt"), "r") as f: skin_config = {_.split(";")[0]: _.split(";")[1] for _ in} if len( == 0: skin_pcds = glob.glob(os.path.join(self.file_dir, "..", "iCub/skin/point_clouds", "*.pcd")) else: skin_pcds = [os.path.join(self.file_dir, "..", "iCub/skin/point_clouds", f"{_}.pcd") for _ in] for pc_path in skin_pcds: # if "leg" not in pc_path: # continue pc = if "foot" not in pc_path: pc.scale(1.05, pc.get_center()) skin_part = skin_config[os.path.basename(pc_path).split(".")[0]] self.skin_point_clouds[skin_part] = pc[skin_part] = [np.asarray(pc.points), np.asarray(pc.normals)] self.skin_activations[skin_part] = np.zeros((len(pc.points), )) if self.config.log.log: self.file_logger = logging.getLogger("pycub_file_logger") self.file_logger.setLevel(logging.INFO) file_handler = logging.FileHandler(os.path.join(self.file_dir, "logs", str(".", "-").replace(" ", "-") .replace(":", "-")+".csv"), mode="a") file_handler.setFormatter(logging.Formatter('%(message)s')) self.file_logger.addHandler(file_handler) initial_string = "timestamp;steps_done;"+";".join([ for _ in self.joints]) if for skin_part in self.skin_activations.keys(): initial_string += ";"+skin_part if self.gui: self.visualizer = Visualizer(self) self.last_render = time.time() self.collision_during_motion = False self.steps_done = 0 self.toggle_gravity()
[docs] def get_camera_images(self): """ Gets the images from enabled eye cameras :return: list of numpy arrays :rtype: list """ images = [] for ew in self.visualizer.eye_windows.values(): images.append(np.asarray(ew.last_image)) return images
[docs] def kill_open3d(self): # a bit of a workaround to kill open3d, that seems to hang for some reason for _ in os.popen("pgrep -f " + self.parent_name).read().strip().splitlines(): call("kill -9 " + _, shell=True)
[docs] def init_robot(self): """ Load the robot URDF and get its joints' information :return: robot and its joints :rtype: int or list """ if self.config.self_collisions: robot = self.loadURDF(self.urdf_path, useFixedBase=True, flags=self.URDF_USE_SELF_COLLISION) else: robot = self.loadURDF(self.urdf_path, useFixedBase=True) joints = [] for joint in range(self.getNumJoints(robot)): info = self.getJointInfo(robot, joint) if info[self.jointInfo["TYPE"]] != p.JOINT_FIXED: joint = Joint(str(info[self.jointInfo["NAME"]], "utf-8"), info[self.jointInfo["INDEX"]], len(joints), info[self.jointInfo["LOWERLIMIT"]], info[self.jointInfo["UPPERLIMIT"]], info[self.jointInfo["MAXFORCE"]], info[self.jointInfo["MAXVELOCITY"]]) joints.append(joint) if hasattr(self.config.initial_joint_angles, self.resetJointState(robot, joint.robot_joint_id, np.deg2rad(getattr(self.config.initial_joint_angles, links = [] for link in self.urdfs["robot"].links: if hasattr(link, "collision"): link_id = self.find_link_id(os.path.basename(link.collision.geometry.mesh.filename), robot=robot) link = Link(, link_id, link) links.append(link) # perform one step of collision detection self.stepSimulation() # get all collisions self_collisions = self.getContactPoints(robot, robot) # disable collision for all links in collision -> these links should be in collision by default, so we need # to disable checks for them for c in self_collisions: self.setCollisionFilterPair(robot, robot, c[3], c[4], False) return robot, joints, links
[docs] def is_alive(self): """ Checks whether the engine is still running :return: True when running :rtype: bool """ if self.gui and not self.visualizer.is_alive: return False return True if self._client >= 0 else False
[docs] def update_simulation(self, sleep_duration=0.01): """ Updates the simulation :param sleep_duration: duration to sleep before the next simulation step :type sleep_duration: float, optional, default=0.01 """ # This is here to keep events and everything in open3D work even if we want slower simulation if sleep_duration is None or time.time()-self.last_step > sleep_duration: self.stepSimulation() if self.compute_skin() self.last_step = time.time() self.steps_done += 1 if self.config.log.log and time.time()-self.last_log > self.config.log.period: self.last_log = time.time() if self.gui and time.time()-self.last_render > 0.01 and self.visualizer.is_alive: self.visualizer.render() self.last_render = time.time()
[docs] def toggle_gravity(self): """ Toggles the gravity """ if not self.gravity: self.gravity = True self.setGravity(0, 0, -9.81) else: self.gravity = False self.setGravity(0, 0, 0)
def __del__(self): """ Destructor to make sure the engine is closed """ self.disconnect()
[docs] @staticmethod def scale_bbox(bbox, scale): com = (np.array(bbox[0]) + bbox[1]) / 2 vec = np.array(bbox[0]) - bbox[1] norm = np.linalg.norm(vec) vec = vec / norm new_norm = scale * norm bbox_min = com + new_norm / 2 * vec bbox_max = com - new_norm / 2 * vec return (bbox_min, bbox_max)
[docs] @staticmethod def bbox_overlap(b1_min, b1_max, b2_min, b2_max): for min1, max1, min2, max2 in zip(b1_min, b1_max, b2_min, b2_max): if min1 >= max2: return False if min2 >= max1: return False return True
[docs] def compute_skin(self): """ Function to emulate skin activations using ray casting. """ temp = [] points = None normals = None links_to_test = ["l_hand", "r_hand", "l_forearm", "r_forearm", "l_upper_arm", "r_upper_arm", "chest", "l_upper_leg", "r_upper_leg", "l_lower_leg", "r_lower_leg", "l_foot", "r_foot", "head"] bboxes = [] for l in links_to_test: for ll in self.links: if l == bboxes.append(self.scale_bbox(self.getAABB(self.robot, ll.robot_link_id), 0.8)) break for fo_id, fo in enumerate(self.free_objects): bboxes.append(self.scale_bbox(self.getAABB(fo), 0.8)) links_to_test.append("free_object_"+str(fo_id)) allowed_collisions = {"r_hand": ["r_hand", "r_forearm"], "r_upper_leg": ["r_lower_leg", "r_upper_leg", "r_foot"], "l_forearm": ["l_hand", "l_forearm", "l_upper_arm"], "l_upper_leg": ["l_lower_leg", "l_upper_leg", "l_foot"], "chest": ["l_upper_arm", "r_upper_arm", "chest", "head"], "r_upper_arm": ["r_upper_arm", "r_forearm", "chest", "head"], "r_foot": ["r_foot", "r_upper_leg", "r_lower_leg"], "l_foot": ["l_foot", "l_upper_leg", "l_lower_leg"], "l_upper_arm": ["l_upper_arm", "l_forearm", "chest", "head"], "r_lower_leg": ["r_lower_leg", "r_upper_leg", "r_foot"], "l_lower_leg": ["l_lower_leg", "l_upper_leg", "l_foot"], "r_forearm": ["r_hand", "r_forearm", "r_upper_arm"], "l_hand": ["l_hand", "l_forearm"], "head": ["head", "chest", "l_upper_arm", "r_upper_arm"]} for skin_part, pc in use_skin = False self.skin_activations[skin_part].fill(0) for link in self.links: if == skin_part: break linkState = self.getLinkState(self.robot, link.robot_link_id, computeLinkVelocity=0, computeForwardKinematics=0) ori = linkState[self.linkInfo["URDFORI"]] pos = linkState[self.linkInfo["URDFPOS"]] R = np.eye(4) R[:3, :3] = np.reshape(self.getMatrixFromQuaternion(ori), (3, 3)) R[:3, 3] = pos points_ = (R @ np.hstack((pc[0], np.ones((len(pc[0]), 1)))).T)[:3, :].T normals_ = (R @ np.hstack((pc[1], np.ones((len(pc[0]), 1)))).T)[:3, :].T bbox = (np.min(points_, axis=0), np.max(points_, axis=0)) bbox_min, bbox_max = self.scale_bbox(bbox, 1) for bb_i, bb in enumerate(bboxes): if self.bbox_overlap(bb[0], bb[1], bbox_min, bbox_max) and links_to_test[bb_i] not in allowed_collisions[skin_part]: use_skin = True break if not use_skin: continue if points is None: points = points_ normals = normals_ else: points = np.vstack((points, points_)) normals = np.vstack((normals, normals_)) temp.append((link.robot_link_id, skin_part, points_.shape[0])) if points is not None: contacts = self.rayTestBatch(points, points +*normals, start_id = 0 for link_id, skin_part, num_points in temp: for c_id, c in enumerate(contacts[start_id:start_id+num_points]): # TODO: Fix this somehow more elegant. Some meshes are not smooth and skin collides with it if c[1] == link_id: continue self.skin_activations[skin_part][c_id] = 1 - c[2] start_id += num_points
[docs] def prepare_log(self): """ Prepares the log string :return: log string :rtype: str """ states = self.getJointStates(self.robot, [_.robot_joint_id for _ in self.joints]) joint_states = ";".join([str(_[0]) for _ in states]) s = f"{self.last_step};{self.steps_done};{joint_states}" if for skin_part, activations in self.skin_activations.items(): s += ";" + ",".join([str(_) for _ in activations]) return s
[docs] def move_position(self, joints, positions, wait=True, velocity=1, set_col_state=True, check_collision=True): """ Move the specified joints to the given positions :param joints: joint or list of joints to move :type joints: int, list, str :param positions: position or list of positions to move the joints to :type positions: float or list :param wait: whether to wait until the motion is done :type wait: bool, optional, default=True :param velocity: velocity to move the joints with :type velocity: float, optional, default=1 :param set_col_state: whether to reset collision state :type set_col_state: bool, optional, default=True :param check_collision: whether to check for collision during motion :type check_collision: bool, optional, default=True """ if not isinstance(joints, list): positions = [positions] joints = [joints] for joint, position in zip(joints, positions): robot_joint_id, joint_id = self.find_joint_id(joint) if not (self.joints[joint_id].lower_limit <= position <= self.joints[joint_id].upper_limit): self.logger.warning(f"Joint {joint} cannot be moved to {position} as it is out of bounds " f"({self.joints[joint_id].lower_limit}, {self.joints[joint_id].upper_limit}).") continue self.joints[joint_id].set_point = position self.setJointMotorControl2(self.robot, robot_joint_id, controlMode=self.POSITION_CONTROL, targetPosition=position, force=self.joints[joint_id].max_force, maxVelocity=velocity) if set_col_state: self.collision_during_motion = False if wait: self.wait_motion_done(check_collision=check_collision)
[docs] def move_velocity(self, joints, velocities): """ Move the specified joints with the specified velocity IT IS HERE, BUT NOT IN WORKING STATE :param joints: joint or list of joints to move :type joints: int or list :param velocities: velocity or list of velocities to move the joints to :type velocities: float or list """ if not isinstance(joints, list): velocities = [velocities] joints = [joints] for joint, velocity in zip(joints, velocities): robot_joint_id, joint_id = self.find_joint_id(joint) if np.abs(velocity) > self.joints[joint_id].max_velocity: self.logger.warning(f"Joint {joint} cannot be moved with velocity {velocity} as it is over the max velocity " f"{self.joints[joint_id].max_velocity}") continue self.setJointMotorControl2(self.robot, robot_joint_id, controlMode=self.VELOCITY_CONTROL, targetVelocity=velocity, force=10, maxVelocity=1)
[docs] def get_joint_state(self, joints=None): """ Get the state of the specified joints :param joints: joint or list of joints to get the state of :type joints: int or list, optional, default=None :return: list of states of the joints :rtype: list """ if joints is None: joints = [ for joint in self.joints] elif not isinstance(joints, list): joints = [joints] states = [] for joint in joints: robot_joint_id, joint_id = self.find_joint_id(joint) states.append(self.getJointState(self.robot, robot_joint_id)[self.jointStates["POSITION"]]) return states
[docs] def motion_done(self, joints=None, check_collision=True): """ Checks whether the motion is done. :param joints: joint or list of joints to get the state of :type joints: int or list, optional, default=None :param check_collision: whether to check for collision during motion :type check_collision: bool, optional, default=True :return: True when motion is done, false otherwise :rtype: bool """ if joints is None: joints = [ for joint in self.joints] elif not isinstance(joints, list): joints = [joints] if check_collision: contacts = self.getContactPoints(self.robot) for c in contacts: if c[self.contactPoints["IDB"]] not in self.free_objects and c[self.contactPoints["DISTANCE"]] < self.config.collision_tolerance: self.collision_during_motion = True self.stop_robot() self.logger.warning("Collision detected during motion!") self.print_collision_info() return True for joint in joints: robot_joint_id, joint_id = self.find_joint_id(joint) state = self.getJointState(self.robot, robot_joint_id) if self.joints[joint_id].set_point is not None: if np.abs(state[self.jointStates["POSITION"]] - self.joints[joint_id].set_point) > self.joint_tolerance: return False self.stop_robot() return True
[docs] def wait_motion_done(self, sleep_duration=0.01, check_collision=True): """ Help function to wait for motion to be done. Can sleep for a specific duration :param sleep_duration: how long to sleep before running simulation step :type sleep_duration: float, optional, default=0.01 :param check_collision: whether to check for collisions during motion :type check_collision: bool, optional, default=True """ while not self.motion_done(check_collision=check_collision): self.update_simulation(sleep_duration)
[docs] def stop_robot(self): """ Stops the robot """ joints = [ for joint in self.joints] for joint in joints: robot_joint_id, joint_id = self.find_joint_id(joint) state = self.getJointState(self.robot, robot_joint_id) if self.joints[joint_id].set_point is not None: self.move_position(joint, state[self.jointStates["POSITION"]], wait=False, set_col_state=False) self.joints[joint_id].set_point = None
[docs] def move_cartesian(self, pose, wait=True, velocity=1, check_collision=True): """ Move the robot in cartesian space by computing inverse kinematics and running position control :param pose: desired pose of the end effector :type pose: utils.Pose :param wait: whether to wait for movement completion :type wait: bool, optional, default=True :param velocity: joint velocity to move with :type velocity: float, optional, default=1 :param check_collision: whether to check for collisions during motion :type check_collision: bool, optional, default=True """ ik_solution = np.array(self.calculateInverseKinematics(self.robot, self.end_effector.link_id, pose.pos, pose.ori, lowerLimits=self.IK_config["lower_limits"], upperLimits=self.IK_config["upper_limits"], jointRanges=self.IK_config["joint_ranges"], restPoses=self.IK_config["rest_poses"])) self.move_position(self.IK_config["movable_joints"], ik_solution[self.IK_config["movable_joints"]], wait=False, velocity=velocity) if wait: self.wait_motion_done(check_collision=check_collision)
[docs] def find_joint_id(self, joint_name): """ Help function to get indexes from joint name of joint index in self.joints list :param joint_name: name or index of the link :type joint_name: str or int :return: joint id in pybullet and pycub space :rtype: int, int """ for joint in self.joints: if joint_name in [, joint.joints_id]: return joint.robot_joint_id, joint.joints_id
[docs] def run_vhacd(self): """ Function to run VHACD on all objects in loaded URDFs, and to create new URDFs with changed collision meshes """ something_changed = False for obj_name, obj in self.urdfs.items(): for link in obj.links: if hasattr(link, "collision"): if hasattr(link.collision.geometry, "mesh"): col_path_ori = link.collision.geometry.mesh.filename col_path = col_path_ori.replace("package://", "") col_path = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(self.file_dir, "..", col_path)) vhacd_path = col_path.replace(".obj", "_vhacd.obj").replace("visual", "vhacd") if self.config.vhacd.force_vhacd or not os.path.exists(vhacd_path): self.vhacd(col_path, vhacd_path, "", resolution=1000000, maxNumVerticesPerCH=1, gamma=0.0005, concavity=0) if self.config.vhacd.force_vhacd_urdf or not os.path.exists(vhacd_path): something_changed = True link.collision.geometry.mesh.filename = col_path_ori.replace("visual", "vhacd").replace(".obj", "_vhacd.obj") if something_changed or self.config.vhacd.force_vhacd_urdf or not obj.path.replace(".urdf", "_vhacd.urdf"): obj.write_urdf() obj.path = obj.path.replace("_fixed", "").replace(".urdf", "_vhacd.urdf") with open(obj.path, "w") as f: f.write(obj.new_urdf)
[docs] def create_urdf(self, object_path, fixed, color, suffix=""): """ Creates a URDF for the given .obj file :param object_path: path to the .obj :type object_path: str :param fixed: whether the object is fixed in space :type fixed: bool :param color: color of the object :type color: list of 3 floats """ with open(os.path.join(self.file_dir, "..", "other_meshes", "object_default.urdf"), "r") as f: urdf = if suffix != "": mesh =, "../other_meshes", object_path))) object_path = object_path.replace(".obj", suffix+".obj") object_path = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(self.file_dir, "../other_meshes", object_path)) if suffix != "":, mesh) model_name = os.path.basename(object_path).split(".")[0] urdf = urdf.replace("OBJECTNAME", model_name).replace("LATERALFRICTION", "1") \ .replace("ROLLINGFRICTION", "0").replace("MASS", "0.2").replace("FILENAMECOLLISION", object_path) \ .replace("FILENAME", object_path).replace("VISUALCOLOR", " ".join(map(str, color))) if fixed: with open(os.path.join(self.file_dir, "..", "other_meshes", "fixed_link.txt"), "r") as f: fixed_link_text = urdf = urdf.replace("</robot>", fixed_link_text) with open(object_path.replace(".obj", ".urdf"), "w") as f: f.write(urdf)
[docs] def print_collision_info(self, c=None): """ Help function to print collision info :param c: one collision :type c: list, optional, default=None """ if c is None: contacts = self.getContactPoints(self.robot) for c in contacts: self.print_collision_info(c) else: if c[self.contactPoints['IDB']] == self.robot: body_b = "robot" else: for obj, name, _ in self.other_objects: if c[self.contactPoints['IDB']] == obj: body_b = name break for link in self.links: if link.robot_link_id == c[self.contactPoints['INDEXA']]: break link_a = if c[self.contactPoints['IDB']] == self.robot: for link in self.links: if link.robot_link_id == c[self.contactPoints['INDEXB']]: break link_b = else: link_b = f"{body_b} link {c[self.contactPoints['INDEXB']]}""\nCollision of robot with {body_b}\n" f"Collision of {link_a} with {link_b}\n" f"Position A: {c[self.contactPoints['POSITIONA']]}\n" f"Position B: {c[self.contactPoints['POSITIONB']]}\n" f"Normal: {c[self.contactPoints['NORMAL']]}\n" f"Distance: {c[self.contactPoints['DISTANCE']]}\n" f"Force: {c[self.contactPoints['FORCE']]}\n" f"Friction 1: {c[self.contactPoints['FRICTION1']]}\n" f"Friction dir 1: {c[self.contactPoints['FRICTIONDIR1']]}\n" f"Friction 2: {c[self.contactPoints['FRICTION2']]}\n" f"Friction dir 2: {c[self.contactPoints['FRICTIONDIR2']]}\n")
[docs] class Joint: def __init__(self, name, robot_joint_id, joints_id, lower_limit, upper_limit, max_force, max_velocity): """ Help class to encapsulate joint information :param name: name of the joint :type name: str :param robot_joint_id: id of the joint in pybullet :type robot_joint_id: int :param joints_id: id of the joint in pycub.joints :type joints_id: int :param lower_limit: lower limit of the joint :type lower_limit: float :param upper_limit: upper limit of the joint :type upper_limit: float :param max_force: max force of the joint :type max_force: float :param max_velocity: max velocity of the joint :type max_velocity: float """ = name self.robot_joint_id = robot_joint_id self.joints_id = joints_id self.lower_limit = lower_limit self.upper_limit = upper_limit self.max_force = max_force self.max_velocity = max_velocity self.set_point = None def __repr__(self): return f"Joint {} with id {self.robot_joint_id}"
[docs] class EndEffector: def __init__(self, name, client): """ Help function for end-effector encapsulaation :param name: name of the end-effector :type name: str :param client: parent client :type client: pointer to pyCub instance """ = name self.client = client for link in self.client.urdfs["robot"].links: if == self.link_id = self.client.find_link_id(os.path.basename(link.collision.geometry.mesh.filename)) break
[docs] def get_position(self): """ Function to get current position of the end-effector """ state = self.client.getLinkState(self.client.robot, self.link_id) pos = list(state[self.client.linkInfo["URDFPOS"]]) ori = list(state[self.client.linkInfo["URDFORI"]]) return Pose(pos, ori)